Learning HTML5 & CSS3

Styling Tables

In this first table, I elected to use a list of exercise equipment available for use at the local fitness center that I make visit.   It is fairly broad in scope and I almost deleted it.   But after styling it, I think it turned out well and I will leave it.

Incarian™ Exercise Equipment & Use
Equip. No. Equipment Name Targeting Weight, lb Reps Sets
100P Abdominal Bench Abdominal 35 10 3
204 Camber Bicep Curl Arms 60 10 3
208 Tricep Extension Arms 80 10 3
302 Long Pull Back & Arms 95 10 3
304 Pull Down Back & Arms 80 10 3
310 Seated Row Back 70 10 3
313 Back Extension Back 240 10 3
402 Incline Press Chest 50 10 3
404 Vertical Chest Press Chest 75 10 3
405 Vertical Pec Deck Chest 70 10 3
500 Shoulder Press Shoulder 70 10 3
504 Lateral Raise Shoulder 50 10 3
505 Pec Fly Chest 70 10 3
505 Rear Delt Chest 70 10 3
602 Leg Sled Seated Legs 120 10 3
605 Leg Extension Legs 65 10 3
618 Glute Isolator Legs 50 10 3
619 Seated Leg Curl Legs 95 10 3
620 Adductor Legs 90 10 3
621 Abductor Legs 90 10 3
623 Angled Seated Calf Legs 80 10 3
712 Abdominal Isolator Abdominal 90 10 4
Rotary Torso Rotary Torso Torso Core 70 10 6

In April of 2013, while away for personal business in Texas, Southwest Ohio, in our area was hit by a hail storm.   We did not know of it until returning home and I noticed that the mailbox was dented in numerous places.   This was followed with discussions with neighbors learning how bad it really was.

The following table contains the damage that our insurance adjustor found, some of which I had not noticed.   Lesson learned — always get the professionals involved.

Hail Damage Incurred on April 16th, 2013
Item Value
Roofing 8,373
Siding 4,002
Soffit, Fascia & Gutter 5,389
Doors 2,239
Detached Structures & Contents 137
Interior Water Damage 697